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Lateral Entry Students

Want to make a career change and become an educator? Take your bachelor's degree and get certified to become a teacher. Isothermal Community College offers the North Carolina teaching licensure certificate for Occupational Education 100% online at a community college tuition price! 

For more information about this program

Please contact the division Administrative Assistant, Brenda McFarland, at or 828-395-1668. For timely service, please have your Regional Assistance Licensing Centers (RALC) Plan from the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) on hand. If you have questions regarding which course(s) to take to fulfill your specific requirements, please consult your local county RALC contact.

Occupational Education program

Step One - Residency 

Complete the North Carolina Residency Determination Service (RDS) online interview/application.

Be sure to record your Residency Certification Number (RCN). You will need it for the Isothermal Application in Step 2.
What is Residency Determination? 
Complete your residency validation

Step Two – Application 

Submit an application to the Admissions Office through CFNC.

Please select Occupational Education Certificate - C55320 (Lateral Entry Teachers) as your desired program of study.

Apply Now

Step Three - Registering for Class(es)

Check course availability through Patriot Port. For lateral entry classes search for sections using EDU, ISC, and PSY as subjects.

Registration and term dates

Patriot Port

Step Four - Payment

After registering, please call the Isothermal Business Office at 828-395-1298 to pay. Students will be dropped from class for non-payment. 

Contact for information

Student Center, 18
Office: 828-395-4193
Fax: 828-286-8109
Department Directory

Office hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon

Subject to change depending on availability.

Brenda McFarland
Administrative Assistant II Health and Public Services