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Basic Law Enforcement Training

Applicants for the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) Program must fulfill the following general admission requirements to be admitted to Isothermal Community College (ICC). Materials can be submitted to Admissions, PO Box 804, Spindale, NC 28160.

  1. Complete the Residency Determination Service (RDS) online interview/application. Record your Residency Certification Number (RCN). You will need it for the Isothermal application.
  2. Complete an application for admission to ICC.
  3. Submit all official and sealed high school transcript(s) or GED scores (must be a high school graduate or the equivalent) from the issuing institution to the Admissions Office.
  4. Submit all official and sealed college transcript(s) from the issuing institution to the Admissions Office. Please note that transfer credit can only be awarded for courses that reflect a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  5. Students who need to take the CASAS placement test for entry into BLET should contact the Academic Success and Advising Center at (828) 395-1436 to schedule an appointment.
  6. Obtain a BLET application packet in the Health and Public Services Building. The BLET application packet contains various forms which must be completed and returned to the BLET School Director by the first day of class.

**The requirements above are only steps to complete the general admission requirements for Isothermal Community College. The section above does not fulfill the other requirements set by the NC Department of Justice to be considered for admission into and completion of the BLET program. You must continue to follow the steps below.**

  1. Obtain Sponsorship from a local (or area) law enforcement agency (mandatory). Sponsorship will waive tuition payments for the student. A sponsorship form is included in the application packet.
  2. Obtain a basic medical examination using the medical forms in the application packet.
  3. Obtain a criminal history records check from the Clerk of Court in the county in which you live.
  4. Provide photocopies of your driver license, high school diploma, and birth certificate.
  5. Provide any additional proof that may be necessary to prove U.S. citizenship. BLET students must be U.S. citizens.

If you have questions or require assistance, you may call (828) 395-1644 or (828) 395-1668.

Contact for information

Student Center, 18
Office: 828-395-4193
Fax: 828-286-8109
Department Directory

Office hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon

Subject to change depending on availability.

Brenda McFarland
Administrative Assistant II Health and Public Services