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Important Items to Remember

To be certified to receive VA Education Benefits you need to: 1) enroll in an approved program of study; 2) meet all admissions requirements; and 3) have high school transcripts (or recognized equivalent) and all prior college transcripts on file with ICC’s Admissions Office.

Submit a copy of your schedule to the VA Certifying Official each semester or session you register for at ICC.

Class attendance is required. Failure to report non-attendance or changes in your enrollment will result in suspension of your VA education Benefits.

Payment will not be made for audited courses, independent study courses, credits by exam, courses taken outside of your program of study, repeated courses with a passing grade, courses in which transfer credit has been awarded, or any other courses not counting toward graduation.

Developmental (remedial) courses offered in hybrid on internet format are not eligible for VA benefits.

Only the elective hours required for degree completion as stated in the College catalog in your program of study in the year of entry may be used.

If substituting a class, an approved Course Substitution Form must be submitted to the office of Student Records and to the VA Certifying Official.

Immediately report changes in your enrollment to the VA Certifying Official (For example: a change in your curriculum, if you drop or add courses, or if you withdraw from classes or totally from school.

Post-9/11 GI Bill® (CH33) - If you drop or withdraw from a course(s), ICC will be financially responsible for the return of tuition and fee payments to the VA. You will be billed for the amount returned. Please contact the Business Office for repayment instructions.

Satisfactory academic progress toward completion of your program of study is required to receive benefits. Failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA for two consecutive semesters will result in the termination of benefits.

Students receiving benefits under Post 9/11 (CH 33) should be aware that the monthly BAH payment is based on being enrolled at least 51% of the rate of pursuit. Students enrolled at less than this rate are not eligible for BAH.

Post-9/11 GI Bill® (CH 33) - ICC will certify your enrollment after the add-drop date. Each month thereafter, you are required to electronically verify continued enrollment with VA. If you fail to certify for two consecutive months, VA will withhold monthly housing allowance payments until you certify.

Post-9/11 GI Bill Enrollment Instructions

Post-9/11 GI Bill® (CH 33) recipients who enroll in ALL distance education courses (courses which never meet in class) will receive a reduced BAH based on a national average as determined by the Veterans Administration.

Students receiving benefits under the MGIB-Active Duty (CH 30), or MGIB Selected Reserve (CH 1606) must verify attendance monthly (on or after the last business day of each month) to receive benefits. Verification of attendance can be done as follows:

  • On the internet using W.A.V.E. (Web Automated Verification of Attendance) at
  • Calling the automated telephone system at 1-877-823-2378.

Contact for information

Kaylee Hampton
Financial Aid Counselor/ VA Coordinator