Moodle uses the same username and password as your other student accounts. Visit the Logging In page for more information on how to access Patriot Port.
Moodle can be accessed by using the Quicklinks button located in the top right corner of the Isothermal homepage. The Student/Employee Login Link will be displayed under the Quicklinks menu. You will need to enter your Isothermal email address and password to sign in.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by using this link: Student Password Reset
If this does not work or you do not remember your student email, contact the Help Desk.
Phone: 828-395-1437
These issues will require technical support from the Help Desk.
Phone: 828-395-1437
Classes are not visible until the first day of the term. If you cannot see your class on this date, contact your instructor or the Help Desk.
Contact them by email or by phone. If you do not know their contact information, please look through the campus directory.
You can find your classes by clicking on the My Courses pull down menu on the far left of the header after logging in. Select the course you wish to access from the pull down menu.
Visit the Student Bridge in Moodle for more information about using Moodle.