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Orientation and Registration

Getting started with College and Career Readiness is easy. New students can join anytime.

All new and returning students who have been out for 90 or more days must attend an orientation session. Orientation will last approximately two hours.

Please call 828-395-1631 to register. You may also stop by the Foundation building, Oak room to register for orientation in person.

You will need to bring a picture ID with you to orientation.


Information for Minor Students


The minimum age to enroll in College and Career Readiness programs is 16. Students under the age of 18 must do the following:

  • Complete the minor application
  • Provide an official transcript in a sealed envelope from the last school attended
  • Meet with the director of College and Career Readiness with a parent, or legal guardian

Minor students may not be dual enrolled in a county school and College and Career Readiness program.

Download a printable application