The Business Administration curriculum is designed to introduce students to the various aspects of the free enterprise system. Students will be provided with a fundamental knowledge of business functions, processes, and an understanding of business organizations in today’s global economy. Course work includes business concepts such as accounting, business law, economics, management, and marketing. Skills related to the application of these concepts are developed through the study of computer applications, communication, team building, and decision making. Through these skills, students will have a sound business education base for lifelong learning. Graduates are prepared for employment opportunities in government agencies, financial institutions, and large to small business or industry. As a result of comprehensive articulation agreements with several universities, graduates may elect to transfer and pursue a bachelor’s degree.
What jobs are available to graduates?
Potential Employers for graduates:
Business Sciences
Business Sciences
Office: 828-395-1670
Fax: 828-286-8335
Department Directory
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon
Subject to change depending on availability.
Melissa Johnson
Lead Instructor for Business Administration