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Medical Office Administration

Curriculum Description

The Medical Office Administration curriculum prepares individuals for employment as medical administrative personnel in the areas of medical office, medical billing and coding, dental office, patient services, and medical documents. Course work includes medical terminology, computer applications, medical office management, medical coding, medical insurance and billing, medical legal and ethical issues, oral and written communication, and other topics depending on the subject area selected within this curriculum. Graduates should qualify for employment opportunities in a variety of medical office positions in medical and dental offices, hospitals, insurance companies, laboratories, medical supply companies, and other healthcare related organizations. Upon graduation, students may be eligible to sit for industry recognized certification exams.

Graduates will be able to:

  • Effectively communicate and interpret medical terminology in oral and written communications
  • Understand and illustrate the importance of law and ethics in a healthcare setting
  • Discuss various reimbursement methodologies and articulate how methods impact the medical practice
  • Exhibit proficiency in the use of medical office computer systems, specifically practice management and electronic medical record software
  • Demonstrate proficiency in office systems management

After Graduation

Career options:

  • Front Office Receptionist
  • Medical Coder/Biller
  • Medical Insurance Specialist
  • Medical Office Assistant
  • Medical Records Clerk

Potential employers for graduates:

  • Dental Practices
  • Health Departments
  • Home Health agencies
  • Hospitals
  • Insurance Companies
  • Laboratories
  • Medical Supply Companies
  • Physician Practices
  • Other Governmental Health Agencies and Programs

Skills or traits of a Medical Office Professional:

  • Attention to detail
  • Flexibility
  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Honesty and integrity
  • Knowledge of medical terminology, information technology, coding and billing insurance 


Contact for information

Business Sciences
Business Sciences
Office: 828-395-1670
Fax: 828-286-8335
Department Directory

Office hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon

Subject to change depending on availability.

Tiffany Cooper
Lead Medical Office Administration Instructor