Registration Information Guide
In order to officially drop or add a course, these steps should be followed:
Note: Students who wish to change their class schedule during Schedule Adjustment Days are advised to drop and add courses during the same registration session to avoid being charged 25% of the tuition for the dropped class. Students will not be allowed to add or change sections after the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. Students may officially drop a course(s) without academic penalty and receive a grade of ‘W’ if this drop is made before the drop deadline as published in the college calendar. The Vice President for Academic and Student Services may approve a drop after the deadline.
Download the Drop/Withdrawal form
All Official Withdrawals Must:
NOTE: Students will not be allowed to add or change sections after the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. Students may officially drop a course without academic penalty and receive a grade of ‘W’ if this drop is made before the drop deadline as published in the Academic Calendar. Withdrawals after the deadline must be approved by the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and Institutional Advancement.
Transfer of credit for educational work taken at a regionally accredited institution may be accepted. Previous course work must be submitted on an official transcript. Credit will normally be allowed for applicable courses in which a grade of “C” or higher has been earned. All transfer students will enter the college in good academic standing. Once enrolled, academic standing will be determined by grades on course work done solely at Isothermal. Grades earned elsewhere will not be used in the grade point calculation at Isothermal. Course work is evaluated according to the student’s selected program. Time and program selection may be a factor in determining credit. Some technical credits older than 5 years or more may be subject to review by the Registrar’s Office and appropriate faculty/dean. Courses under the 5 year limitation are determined and reviewed by Instructional Deans, and a list is maintained in the Registrar’s Office. Students may be requested to provide prior course descriptions and/or documentation demonstrating required knowledge before credits are accepted. Note: Students requiring further math classes are STRONGLY advised to take a refresher course if it has been more than two years since completing their last math course.
Transfer students must earn 25% of the credits required for graduation in their particular program at Isothermal Community College. Students will be notified via their campus email accounts when transfer credit evaluations have been completed by the Records Office. Results of the transfer of credit evaluation may be appealed to the Committee on Admissions, Academic Continuation, and Records.
For information regarding procedures related to acceptance of academic credit, see "Academic Policies & Procedures" in the Student Handbook or College Catalog.
Students transferring from one curriculum to another within the College may be handled in the same manner as transfer credits from another institution. Courses designed for satisfaction of Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degree requirements may be accepted in Associate of Applied Science degree programs; however, courses designed for career preparation in Associate of Applied Science degrees, diploma, and certificates may not apply to Associate of Arts and Associate of Science programs. A list of courses approved for Arts and Sciences credit is maintained in the office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the Records Office. Cumulative grade point averages are normally continued when changing programs. The GPA for graduation is based only on the courses required in the program.
Credit may also be given in the occupational areas for non-collegiate and military educational experiences. These educational experiences will be evaluated on the basis of the current editions of College Credit Recommendations and The Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experiences in The Armed Services. Time and program selection may be a factor in determining credit. A maximum of 16 semester hours may be awarded. (Also, see requirements for the Occupational Education Associate Program.)
Any student at Isothermal Community College may receive course credit by examination through one of the following four methods: 1) Challenge Exam, 2) CLEP Exam, 3) Advanced Placement Exams, or 4) North Carolina High School to Community College Articulation Agreement, or 5) Diagnostic Exam in Academic Development courses.
A student may request permission through the appropriate instructional dean to challenge a course through a comprehensive exam for credit. Only those courses for which tests have been developed and have been filed in the dean’s office may be challenged. The procedure for challenging is as follows:
College credit may be awarded if appropriate conditions are met by Advanced Placement (AP) or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) test scores. Isothermal academic credit will be granted to enrolled students who receive scores of 3 or higher on the AP tests offered by the College Board. CLEP is granted for scores in the 50th percentile or higher. Credit may be considered only for those courses which are in the student’s academic program. AP and CLEP credit accepted at other post-secondary institutions is not automatically transferred to Isothermal but is reviewed when official scores are received.
North Carolina high school graduates may be awarded college credits for certain high school courses when transferring to Isothermal Community College. Articulation guidelines are controlled by the Department of Public Instruction and the NC Community College System. Guidelines are subject to change without notice. The following criteria must be met to receive credit:
Any Isothermal Community College student who has experienced a lapse in enrollment at Isothermal for a period of at least three consecutive academic years may petition in writing to have grades older than three years old and below “C” disregarded in calculating the GPA. Following re-enrollment the student must complete at least 12 semester hours with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 prior to requesting an academic fresh start. In some instances students who change majors and complete 2 academic semesters with at least 12 semester hours and a 2.0 GPA in the new major may petition for an academic fresh start even if there has not been a lapse in enrollment.
The student requesting a fresh start should complete an application for Academic Fresh Start that is available in the Student Services office. Students may be granted an academic fresh start only once. An academic review committee will consider the request and determine the student’s eligibility for grade forgiveness. If the request is approved, the grades will be removed from GPA calculation. Students transferring to another college should contact the institution to determine the impact of Academic Fresh Start on transfer. Fresh start GPA calculations are not used in determining eligibility for student financial aid.
Patriot Port is an important resource for curriculum students. This resource provides students with access to their unofficial transcript, course grades, etc. Students can also access information that is critical for program completion. Students are also given the option to register online through Patriot Port once they have met with an advisor. Advising is not required for non-degree seeking (Special Credit) students.
You can (login not required):
If you misplaced instructions for logging into Patriot Port or are having issues connecting, visit the Helpdesk for more information.
In order to qualify for a degree, diploma, or certificate in a program of study, the student must:
Students are responsible for monitoring their program progress toward graduation. The college catalog of record for graduation evaluation will be the current catalog. In the case of students transferring into Isothermal Community College, at least one quarter of the credits required for graduation must be earned at Isothermal Community College.
Course substitutions may be approved to fulfill graduation requirements provided the substitution is appropriate to the student’s program and a comparable course is offered. In all cases course substitutions must be consistent with the program requirements as outlined in the Curriculum Standards published by the North Carolina Community College System. Each student is limited to nine (9) credit hours of substitutions. However, in cases where courses have been discontinued, additional substitutions may be approved. All course substitutions must be approved by the appropriate instructional dean and the Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and recorded in the Student Records Office.
Students are expected to file graduation applications with the Student Records Office at least one semester preceding the completion of degree requirements. Commencement is held at the conclusion of the spring semester. Credentials will be mailed to graduates within 2 weeks of the end of term. Graduates will need to make sure their mailing address is up to date so that credentials are mailed to the correct address. The specific date of the commencement exercises are listed in the College Calendar in the College Catalog, Student Handbook, and website. All students who have completed degree requirements since the previous commencement are invited to participate in graduation exercises.
Student Affairs
Student Center
Office: 828-395-4193
Department Directory
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon
Subject to change depending on availability.