Outstanding students recognized at Awards Day Ceremony
By: Mike Gavin
Published: May 06, 2022
SPINDALE (May 5, 2022) – Dozens of Isothermal Community College’s finest students were praised for their exceptional academic efforts this week.
The annual Awards Day ceremony was held on Thursday, May 5, at the Main Campus Amphitheater. Dr. Margaret Annunziata, the college’s president, welcomed the audience of students, friends, family, faculty and staff.
This year’s Academic Excellence Award went to Adam Chinchar. The award is the highest honor given to an Isothermal student each year.
Chinchar, a Polk County native and graduate pf Polk Central High School, enrolled at Isothermal Community College after serving as a sonar technician in the US Navy. During his time at ICC, he has been a role model and leader. He plans to transfer to UNC-Charlotte to further his education.
The award was presented by Aaron Greene, superintendent of Polk County Schools and a member of the ICC Polk Foundation.
Special recognition was also given to Eddy Jackson Corbin, the student who was the college’s nominee for the Dallas Herring Award, a prestigious state-level honor. Hope Sarate was recognized as the nominee for the North Carolina Community College System’s Gov. Bob Scott Student Leadership Award. The William V. Lee Scholarship for a student in the field of criminal justice was awarded to Lindsey Deese.
Members of this year’s Student Government Association were also recognized and thanked. They are: Hope Sarate, president; Madison Wise, vice president; Francisco Chavez, secretary; Nicholas Burgin, parliamentarian; Cheyenne Jennings, treasurer; Ashley Cole, public information officer; Abby Hammock, public information officer; David Nolan, public information officer and Pat the Patriot; Kim Trivette, Engineering & Applied Sciences senator; and Shaunita Toney, Peer 2 Peer representative and Business Sciences senator.
Many other awards were given that evening, each to a student who has distinguished himself or herself in their academic endeavors. The Learning College Student of the Semester Awards were presented by Dr. Greg Thomas, vice president of Academic and Student Affairs. The program awards were presented by the faculty members who nominated the various students. The awarded were presented to:
Students of the SemesterKaleb James Adair, CCP College Transfer;Jessica Atkins, Occupational Education;Catherine Barsaloux, arts and Sciences;Jose Chavez-Bautista, Business Sciences;Debra Brown, Health and Public Services;Dakota Davis, Business Sciences;Hannah Elliott, Business Sciences;Amelia Raquel Harmon, Health and Public Services;Luke Hood, CCP College Transfer;Rebecca Jackson, Academic Development;Jennifer Lawrence, Occupational Education;Tabitha Lucas, Applied Sciences and Engineering Technologies;Trinity B Powell, Polk Early College;Selena Prescott, Rutherford Early College High School;Bryan Raymundo, CCP College Transfer;Karah Ruppe, Academic Development;Esperanza Santibanez, College and Career Readiness;Graciela Trejo-Diaz, College and Career Readiness;Seth Trottier, Arts and Sciences; andAnya White Applied Sciences and Engineering Technologies.Departmental Outstanding StudentsArts and SciencesAdam Chinchar, and Jessika HardinApplied Sciences and Engineering TechnologiesTeva Crawford, Tyler Gibson, and Nicolas MurrayBusiness SciencesJamie Marr, and Margaret MaurielloHealth and Public ServicesRiley Lauter, and Lucero SantibanezProgram AwardsSelf-Enrichment Award: Academic Development – Kolby GrubBiology – Serena PrescottBiology: Pre-Allied Health – Buffy LynchGeneral Chemistry – Ryan DavisOrganic and Biochemistry – Taylor JacksonFreshman English – Andrew RiceSophomore English – Lydia ZimmerHistory – Stephanie RoachPsychology – Catherine BarsalouxHumanities – Seth TrottierMathematics – Christian N. ModirzadehMusic – Caleb WallaceAstronomy – Carter McKinneyCollege Physics – Kasey SmithGeneral Physics – Matthew HeffronPublic Speaking – Andrea Narvaez-SantosSociology – Amiyah HardySpanish – Emily WatersAccounting and Finance – Ana AlemanAgribusiness Technology – Dakota B. DavisBusiness Administration – Jamie MarrEquine Business – Jordan LawsInformation Technology: Web Admin. And Design – Deborah KennedyMedical Office Administration – Traci NalleyAssociate Degree Nursing – Christine ConnerCriminal Justice Technology – Lindsay DeeseDental Assisting – Jennifer “Taylor” HarrisEarly Childhood Education – Ashley McEntyreEsthetics – Daisy Soto-RiveraHuman Services Technology – Debra BrownHuman Services Technology: Animal-Assisted Interactions – Amanda YokelyPractical Nursing – Jessica Louise HembreeAdvertising and Graphic Design – Kat MikelsonBroadcasting and Production Technology – Mariah ElliottComputer Engineering Technology – Cory ClemonsElectronics Engineering Technology – Matthew HeffronWelding Technology – Ronnie SimpsonMechanical Engineering – Dalton Osborn