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Sale, Disposal, and Lease of College Property

The Board may, with the prior approval of the North Carolina Community Colleges System Office, convey a right-of-way or easement for highway construction or for utility installations or modifications When, in the Board’s opinion, the use of any other real property owned or held by the Board is unnecessary or undesirable for the purposes of the College, the Board, subject to prior approval of the State Board of Community Colleges, may sell or dispose of the property For purposes of this Policy, “dispose” means “lease, exchange or demolish.”  The Board may dispose of any personal property owned or held by the Board without approval of the State Board of Community Colleges. Personal property titled to the State Board of Community Colleges consistent with N.C.G.S. §§ 115D-14 and -58.5 may be transferred to another community college at no cost and without the approval of the Department of Administration, Division of Surplus Property.

Article 12 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes shall apply to the disposal or sale of any real or personal property Personal property also may be disposed of under procedures adopted by the North Carolina Department of Administration.

The proceeds of any sale or lease shall be used for capital outlay purposes, except, if real or personal property is donated to the College to support a specific educational purpose, the Board may use the proceeds from the sale or lease of the property according to the terms of the donation.

Policy Number: 02.02.11

Legal Reference:

 N.C.G.S. § 115D-15; N.C.G.S. Ch. 160A, Art. 12.

Adopted: March 28, 2023

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