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Color palette

Primary color


Isothermal Blue

PMS: 19-4052
CMYK: 100, 76, 25, 0
RGB: 15, 76, 129
Hex: #0F4C81


CMYK: 0,0,0,0
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Hex: #fefefe (web version)


Secondary Colors

Light Blue

PMS: 16-4032
CMYK: 49, 29, 0, 22
RGB: 101, 141, 198
Hex: #658dc6

Baby Blue

PMS: 13-4308
CMYK: 17, 7, 0, 15
RGB: 182, 202, 218
Hex: #DEE6EF (web version)

Red Bright

CMYK: 0, 64, 55, 27
RGB: 187, 68, 85
Hex: #cc2020

Red Muted

PMS: 7419 C
CMYK: 9, 77, 40, 18
RGB: 176, 74, 90
Hex: #B04A5A

Contact for information

Marketing & Community Relations
Administration, 215A

Office: 828-395-1295
Department Directory

Office hours

8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Subject to change depending on availability.