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Student ID

If you are a currently enrolled Isothermal Community College student, be sure and get your ID. This ID may be used as a form of identification on campus and you may even be able to get student discounts with various merchants.

Students who are enrolled in curriculum courses during fall and spring semesters are required to pay the student activity fee. Identification (ID) cards are offered to curriculum students who pay the student activity fee. Career and College Promise (CCP) students may pay a $10.00 fee to receive their first identification card. Students seeking a college-issued ID should be prepared to provide government-issued proof of identification such as a valid driver’s license.

Students are responsible for any additional expenses associated with verification of student identity. For current information regarding fees associated with the issuance of state identification cards, students should refer to

Students are strongly encouraged to memorize the student identification number that is listed on their card as it is frequently requested across campus by advisors and staff from Student Services, The Patriot Hub, the Bookstore, the Library, and the Business Office. Please note that this number is to be used in lieu of a social security number, as it is more secure.

Please note the following:

  • This official student ID card should be carried by the student at all times on the college campus.
  • The card must be presented when requested by College officials or at College activities on and off the College’s premises.
  • The card is not transferable to any other person.
  • The card may not be altered in any way.
  • This card is the property of Isothermal Community College. If found, please return to Student Services.
  • ID cards are made by the Student Services staff after a student has registered for courses for the current or following semester. Students who request a replacement card for any reason must pay the card replacement fee to have their cards remade.
  • There will be a charge of $10.00 for ID card replacement.

The ID card provides the following for curriculum students who pay the student activity fee:

  • Automatic membership to the College’s Student Government Association (non-dually enrolled)
  • Free admission to some activities sponsored by the College (non-dually enrolled)
  • Access to the gym during open hours
  • Discounts at some local stores, restaurants, and Isothermal Community College Cosmetology Services
  • Limited discounts and access to programming at Gardner-Webb University

Dually enrolled CCP students who purchase a student ID card but do not pay the student activity fee may participate in activities sponsored by the College by paying an additional fee at the time of the event or through an agreed upon payment arrangement established with partner institutions or programs.

Contact for information

Student Affairs
Student Center
Office: 828-395-4193
Department Directory

Office hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon

Subject to change depending on availability.