The most common reason for meeting with an advisor is to prepare for registration each semester. You can see who your Faculty Mentor and College Navigator by looking in Patriot Port.
New Students - Once your application is processed in the Admissions office, you will be assigned a Faculty Mentor and a College Navigator. In your welcome letter, you’ll receive contact information for your mentor/navigator. Make an appointment to discuss course options and get registered for the upcoming semester.
Returning Students - To have the best chance of getting into the classes you want, make an appointment with your Faculty Mentor on the advising day that happens prior to the semester for which you wish to register. The dates for advising days are printed in the student handbook and usually happen in October and March. If you cannot meet on the designated advising days, you should make an appointment with your Faculty Mentor or College Navigator as early as possible before the beginning of the semester. While drop-in advising is available during open registration periods, it is strongly recommended that you meet regularly with your assigned Faculty Mentor or College Navigator to ensure consistency and accuracy in your advising experience.
Beyond preparing for registration, you should feel free to contact your Faculty Mentor or College Navigator anytime you have questions about your academic plans and goals. While your Faculty Mentor or College Navigator may not be immediately available, they will be glad to assist you as quickly as possible.
The Patriot Hub
Student Center, Room 32
Office: 828-395-1436
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon
Subject to change depending on availability.