ICC student to attend accounting symposium
By: Mike Gavin
Published: September 10, 2024
SPINDALE (Sept. 10, 2024) – A Business Sciences student at Isothermal Community College has been selected for a unique learning opportunity later this fall.
Thomas Memmen was chosen for an all-expenses-paid trip to Raleigh for the Two-Year Bridge Symposium. The program is conducted and funded by the American Accounting Association Foundation.
The Isothermal chapter of Future Business Leaders of America— Collegiate informed and supported Memmen in the application process for the symposium.
Memmen is also a work-study student in the Records Department at Isothermal.
The topics will include:
- Opportunities in the accounting profession;
- Transitioning to four-year institutions;
- CPA exam and licensure planning; and
- Scholarships and professional resources.
“The key objective of the Symposium is to provide students with the information they need to apply and transfer to a four-year university, major in accounting, and pursue a career in the accounting profession,” said Steve Matzke, director of the AAA Foundation in an email to Memmen. “The network that students build through the Two-Year Bridge Symposium have led to internship opportunities for past participants. This can lead to full-time positions. While we cannot guarantee this, it is a reality for many.”
Memmen’s instructor Rebecca Haney is excited for her student.
“This is a big deal and a great opportunity,” she said.
For more information accounting and other business sciences classes, contact Haney at rhaney@isothermal.edu or 828-395-1305.