Students inducted into National Technical Honor Society
By: Mike Gavin
Published: November 01, 2022
SPINDALE (Nov. 1, 2022) – One hundred and seventy high school and college students were welcomed into the National Technical Honor Society this week.
The induction ceremony was at The Foundation Performing Arts and Conference Center on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Isothermal students were inducted along with juniors and seniors from Rutherford County Schools and Polk County Schools.
The 2022-23 Isothermal NTHS officers are President Emily Chiqui-Conder, Vice President Katelynn Brooks, Secretary Tabitha Lucas, and Treasurer Isabella Cesante.
Special guests in attendance from NTHS Headquarters included Chief Operating Officer Kate Allen.
The guests were welcomed by Dr. Margaret Annunziata, Isothermal president. The event was emceed by Aaron Greene, superintendent of Polk County Schools. Lindsey Edwards, the NTHS advisor at Polk County High School took part in the program, as did Charlie Freeman, CTE director at Rutherford County Schools.
NTHS helps schools recognize students for their achievement in career and technical education. The National Technical Honor Society currently serves approximately 100,000 active members and nearly a million members since its inception in 1984.
Awarding more than $2 million in scholarships to date, NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher education, and cultivates excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce.
Isothermal instructors, Tiffany Cooper and Sarah Kilgo, are the advisors for the organization at the college.
The inductees are:
Chase High School
Silvia Adame-Sanchez, Izaiah Baynard, Christian Beaver, Candice Beheler. Mekayla Bradley, Henry Bright, Ashton Cox, Kyle Czarnecki, Kaynyn Dewberry, Jackson Gibson, Stella Howes, Blaire Keller, Kinsley King, Brennen Kingery, Allie Long, Reagan McCranie, Morgyn McDaniel, Kensley Mode, Eva Ray, Isaac Rollins, Jada Walker, and Mason White
Lucero Aguado, Alejandro Arredond, Katelyn Arwood, Marissa Arwood, Carissa Bailey, Taylor Barker, Jackson Bradley, Savannah Breeden, Alexis Falcetti, Nathan Flynn, Alysa Hall, Hallie Hernandez, Anndrea Jackson, Valerie Jackson, Emily Jarvis, Montana Kiser, Josiah LaNave, Braylen Morrow, Zack Nix, Kaelyn Price, Brock Reid, Jenna Roberson, Sara Rothrock, Vincent Suber, and Ben Towery
East Rutherford High School
Emily Alexander, Chloe Bolt, Madison Calton, Annie Cole, Parker Emery, Amelia Harris, Benjamin Lavender, Margaret Marshall, Lucas McDaniel, Emma Patterson, Avery Russell, Jacob Shuford, Molly Waters, and Kya Wilson
Addison Arrowood, Matthew Butler, Kristina Curry, Spencer Davis, Jordan Dixon, Gloria Ekstrom, John Flores Vargas, Alexis Grayson, Betty Huntley, Dawson Hardin, Benjamin Jordan, Nadia Kelly, Dallas Lankert, Garrett Lawing, Danielle McEntire, Alayah Moore, Mileah Murphy, John Rich, Jada Stroud, Taylor Thompson, Lillian Tipton, Mary Grace Tisdale, Skylar Whitaker, and April Whitley
R-S Central High School
Sara Brooks, Ella Crowe, Jonathan Hill, Hannah Newton, Dorothy Norris, Alana Warren, and Trinity Yelton
Kevin Aroche Rios, Chloe Black, Lilly Bowers, Layla Carpenter, Emma Clayton, Zaira Escalera, Katherine Greene, Christopher Hensley, Mackenzie Hughes, Madalyn Hughes, Savannah Lail, Azariyah Littlejohn, Anslee McDaniel, Makayia Moore, Alexis Owensby, Nykeria Petty, and Thomas Phillips
Polk County High School
Austin Arledge, Chandler Burnett, Chloe Davis, Luna Gonzalez, Madilynn Griffin, Allison Kennedy, Bianca Mowers, David Nava-Chavez, Annabelle Ruff, and Daniel Savkovic
Ashley Alonso-Mejia, Angel Alvarez-Vazquez, Harrison Ashworth, Cade Bright, Adison Broyles, Samantha Chavez-Gonzalez, Lawson Carter, Lindsey Dotson, Kiersten Fletcher, Mark Frantz, Brianna Gray, Jeffrey Gray, Rudy Gray, Sarah Gray, Chloe Green, Grace Hagan, Charles Highsmith, Michelle Hernandez-Gonzalez, Margaret Johnson, Ada Kelly, Sydney Langley, Cora Lawrence, Maggie McCammon, Caedyn McCraw, Oliver Newton, Jessica Palmer, Bianca Pitts, Rodrigo Ramirez-Mejia, Alisha Richardson, Jordy Rojas-Argote, Jadyn Virgil, Elizabeth Winkel, Alexandria Wiseman, and Chloe Young
Isothermal Community College
Heather Anderson, Katelynn Brooks, Kimberly Brown, Hayle Byers, Emily Chuqui-Conder, Cameron Crisp, Ashley Flack, June Hardin, Robert Hawkins, Deborah Kennedy, Jennifer Lawrence, Tabitha Lucas, Jamie Marr, Shanna Ngha, Clarissa Pressley, and Bryson Reep
Category: Awards