Practical Nursing students pinned during special ceremony
By: Mike Gavin
Published: July 25, 2022
SPINDALE (July 25, 2022) – Fourteen Isothermal Community College practical nursing students were awarded their pins at a special ceremony this week.
The Pinning Ceremony, held at the Foundation Performing Arts and Conference Center, is the traditional graduation event for the students in the Practical Nursing program.
The graduates of the 2022 class are Misty Bayne, Summer Bright, Nadalie Crain, Amelia Harmon, Jessica Hembree, Andrea Hohrmann, Jasmine Hunter, Megan Jessup, Brittany Kimmer, Emma Owen, Rebekah Scoggins, Lateca Smith, Brittany Williams, and Jacob Williams.
After marching in to “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus, the new nurses were welcomed by Dr. Margaret Annunziata, Isothermal’s president. Instructor Carole Koehler, MSN, RN, presented the class awards. Following a message from graduate Lateca Smith, the class received a message from Stephanie Denison, MSN, RN, director of the Practical Nursing program.
After the presentation of pins, roses, and lamps by Ava Yamouti, ICC’s dean of Health and Public Services, there was special music. The Nightingale Pledge was led by Dr. Kim Amos, Isothermal’s nursing director. An inspirational message was delivered by Tyree Smith, followed by closing remarks made by Dr. Greg Thomas, vice president of Academic and Student Affairs.
The class officers were also recognized. They are: Lateca Smith, president; Megan Jessup, vice president; Rebekah Scoggins, treasurer; and Jacob Williams, class representative.
Isothermal’s Practical Nursing program celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2022. For more information, contact Denison at 828-395-1762.