College holds CCR graduation
By: Mike Gavin
Published: May 20, 2022

SPINDALE (May 18, 2022) – Forty-six students graduated with adult high school diplomas or general equivalency diplomas this week at Isothermal Community College.
The College and Career Readiness commencement ceremony was held on Tuesday, May 17, at the Foundation Performing Arts and Conference Center.
The crowd was welcomed by ICC’s president, Dr. Margaret Annunziata, and Donna Hood, dean of Continuing Education.
The speaker was Dr. Thad Harrill, the college’s chief development officer. He delivered an encouraging message of determination and persistence to the graduates. He also congratulated the students for overcoming challenges on their journeys to this point.
“So, what can we learn from our experience,” asked Harrill. “First, if the voice in our heads is telling us what we can’t do, we need to find a new voice. We need that voice that is like the one that train had in the book I used to read to my daughters: ‘I think I can, I think I can! I think I can!’ Then that leads to ‘I think I will! I think I will!’ And that, ladies and gentlemen, leads to ‘I did it!’”
Harrill offered several personal anecdotes and even quoted singer Miley Cyrus in his talk to the students.
“Never forget this, the journey, the climb, is all part of God’s gift to us,” said Harrill. “Tomorrow, you may not remember a word I have said. However, it is my hope, that you never forget how this moment made you feel.”
Then Ruth Hils, the coordinator of the Powers Scholarship, presented the first-ever Powers Merit Scholarships awarded to two CCR graduates – Brittany Dysart and Hailey Moore – to help them continue their education at the college.
The graduates then walked the stage to receive their diplomas and enjoyed a reception after the ceremony.