ICC’s Todd Ledford wins HawkesGiving Award
By: Mike Gavin
Published: January 22, 2021

SPINDALE (Jan. 20, 2021) - Todd Ledford, the Tutoring Center Coordinator for Isothermal Community College, has been awarded the 2020 HawkesGiving Award from Hawkes Learning Systems. This award was given to ten members of the educational community who went above and beyond while navigating the challenges of the past year. Ledford manages the Tutoring Center.
Throughout the COVID pandemic, Ledford follows COVID safety guidelines strictly to ensure that students have a safe, effective tutoring environment. He even created a virtual tutoring center that accommodates students from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m . Using Collaborate and a Wacum table, he shares step-by-step processes alongside the Hawkes Learning System platform.
His dedication to students and his humble and kind attitude lead Saundra Clay to nominate him for this award. “So many students have struggled with anxiety since the onset of the pandemic, and Todd has been able to settle their feats and help them succeed in their courses. Todd is a great asset to Isothermal Community College,” said Clay, Math Lab Instructional Assistant.
Not being one to brag, Ledford says he “just enjoys working with students and helping them as much as he can.” He shared this quote by Paul Solarz, “Collaboration allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves.”
Hawkes Learning Systems provides instructional resources for use in settings like the Isothermal Tutoring Center.
Category: Awards, Spindale Campus