Library Has Big Changes On Horizon
By: Mike Gavin
Published: October 29, 2019

The Isothermal Community College Library is changing library catalog systems (a.k.a. “migrating”) at the end of October. This also means that it is leaving the local CMC Consortium, and it wants this to be as painless for its library users as possible.
What You Need to Know:
- NO CHECK OUTS FROM Oct. 28th TO Nov. 1st
- If you will need books from the College Library at the end of October, check them out BEFORE 4:30 PM on Friday, October 25, 2019.
- The Library should be able to resume checkouts on Monday, November 4, 2019.
- Everything else the Library does and provides will be up, running, and available, including:
- The Library Website, including OneSearch and Library Chat
- All of the other online databases, including ebooks
- Computers, Wi-Fi, print system, and photocopier/scanner
- Help with reference & research
- Library instruction
- Interlibrary Loan through OCLC
- Using books and videos inside the Library
- You MAY need to get a new library card (bring picture ID)
- If your library card number begins 20220… you are all set.
- If your library card number begins with other numbers, you will eventually need to get a new card to use at the College Library; and again, bring a picture ID with you for this purpose.
Other Important Things to Know:
- The public is welcome and encouraged to come use the College Library!
- The College Library is no longer participating in the local book exchange program
- The College Library is no longer accepting hold requests from the public libraries, nor are we allowing holds on items from the public libraries.
- For now, you can still RETURN items from the College Library to any CMC library.
- After November 30, 2019 any items belonging to the College Library will need to be returned to the College Library.
- The public libraries will continue as a consortium
- For now, the public libraries of Rutherford County will continue operating just as they have been, as the CMC Consortium.
Why is This Happening?
The short answer to this question is that the librarians who serve Rutherford County want to expand the services we offer our library users.
Currently, through our local CMC Consortium, our users can access about 200,000 physical books and audiovisuals. To expand our offerings, the public libraries will be migrating to NC Cardinal ( beginning in January 2020, and the College Library is migrating to CCLINC (Community Colleges in North Carolina) ( Cardinal includes public libraries from all across the state, and by the end of 2020 will include library systems from half of the counties in North Carolina.Through NC Cardinal, public library users in Rutherford County will have access to over 6 million items.CCLINC includes 51 of the 58 community college libraries in North Carolina. Isothermal will be number 52. Collectively, CCLINC libraries hold over 1.5 million items.Both library systems have vibrant book exchange programs.
If you want to use both systems to borrow items:
- You will need two library cards
- You will need to visit both the College Library and your local public library to check out and return items
- You will have access to two very large and expanding collections of books and audiovisuals
Category: Spindale Campus
Keywords: Library