The College recognizes that social media sites are useful technologies in communicating with College constituencies and in enabling transparent communication. All of the College’s social media shall follow established procedures and shall be registered with the Marketing and Community Relations. College employees shall exercise good, professional judgment when using official College social media sites to ensure that communications are appropriate, professional, maintain the security of the College’s network and comply with local, state and federal laws and with the College’s technology security procedures. All content generated on a College-operated social media site should support the mission of the College.
College employees whose responsibility it is to operate a social media account on behalf of the College shall be responsible for monitoring discussions and content added by third-parties, including comments. The President or the College’s Marketing and Community Relations Department has the right to remove any post or comment on any social media account operated by the College.
All content created or posted on College-operated social media accounts is property of the College. Employees should avoid presenting personal views that could be interpreted as official College positions.
In times of crisis or emergency, only designated individuals (e.g., the President or designated members of the Marketing and Community Relations Department) may post on behalf of the College, and all other College-operated social media accounts must refrain from posting until given official guidance.
Employees must not post any content that could violate privacy laws or compromise student confidentiality (e.g., FERPA compliance).
All content must meet digital accessibility standards, as required by law, to ensure that people with disabilities can access the College’s online information.
Content should adhere to College branding guidelines and the recommended tone of communication to maintain a consistent voice across all College social media platforms.
Employees designated to manage social media accounts must undergo any required training on College social media policies and best practices.
Social media accounts controlled by the College are subject to records retention regulations.