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Curriculum Development

The President shall determine the courses and programs of instruction needed to meet the educational needs of the people in the College’s service area and shall determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the programs and services in meeting these needs.

All new programs offered by the College must comply with the college’s institutional accreditor on general education requirements and be approved by the Board of Trustees, the North Carolina Community College System Office, and the State Board of Community Colleges. The College must include the North Carolina Community College System Office's required components in the development of a curriculum program of study consistent with the provisions of the State Board Code.

All approved programs and courses should be contained in the College’s Catalog.

The continued operation of any curriculum program is dependent upon adequate state funds and sufficient enrollment in the program.

The President shall develop procedures for the implementation of this policy.

Policy Number: 04.01.03

Legal Reference:

1D SBCCC 400.10

Adopted: May 21, 2024

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