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Secondary Employment

I. Secondary Employment

Full-time College employees’ primary professional obligation is to the College. Full-time employees who engage in secondary employment have the responsibility to ensure that any such employment does not interfere with their work at the College as outlined in the employee's position description and the College's policies and procedures. The employee shall not utilize College time, facilities, supplies or equipment in relation to any secondary employment.

Prior to beginning any secondary employment, the employee shall provide written notice via the Notice of Intent for Secondary Employment Form to the President or President’s designee. The notice shall contain, at a minimum: 1) the name and contact information of the prospective secondary employer; 2) the proposed job duties; and 3) the estimated hours per week devoted to the secondary employment. The President or designee shall approve or disapprove of any secondary employment and the decision is final. Any changes to the original agreement must be approved via submission of a new form.

The Board of Trustees shall approve or disapprove any secondary employment of the President.

II. Outside Compensation

College employees are encouraged to provide leadership and professional expertise to various constituencies or organizations whether locally, regionally or nationally who may request their services as a result of their College employment provided that the outside activity does not interfere or compete with their full-time duties at the College. A College employee must receive the approval of his/her immediate supervisor prior to committing to any outside activity which occurs during the normal workday. College employees may accept outside compensation for services rendered during annual leave, holidays, semester breaks or other such times when classes are not in session or if the services provided take place outside the scheduled or the normal workday. Outside compensation does not include nominal honorariums that staff or faculty members receive as a representative of the College for services provided for workshops, seminars, accreditation visits or state or regional committee involvement. Exceptions to this section of the Policy must be approved by the President.

Policy Number: 03.04.08

Adopted: January 30, 2024

Secondary Employment Form

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