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Annual Leave

I. Amount Earned

Each full-time employee in leave-earning status, who is working or on paid leave for one-half or more of the workdays in any month, earns annual leave. Employees shall earn annual leave rate at the following rate:

Rate which leave hours are earned
Years of Total State Service Hours Earned Each Month Hours Earned Each Year
(12 month employees)
Less than 2 years 7 hours 40 minutes 92
2 years 8 hours 30 minutes 102
5 years 10 hours 15 minutes 123
10 years 12 hours 15 minutes 147
15 years 14 hours 168
20 years or more 16 hours 192

II. Maximum Accumulation

Annual leave may be accumulated without any applicable maximum until December 31 of each year. On December 31 of each year any employee with more than 225 hours of accumulated annual leave shall have the excess (i.e., the amount over 225 hours) converted to sick leave.

III. Advancement

  1. Annual leave may be advanced by the President in an amount not to exceed what an employee can earn during the remainder of the fiscal year.
  2. An employee desiring an advancement of annual leave must submit a statement of need outlining the circumstances which require use of as-yet-unearned annual leave. Each case will be assessed on its merits and considerations given as to the urgency of the request and the College’s business needs.

IV. Accepted Uses

The primary purpose of annual leave is to allow and encourage employees to renew their physical and mental capabilities and to remain a fully productive employee.

Annual leave may also be requested for other periods of absence for personal reasons, absences due to adverse weather conditions and for personal illness or illnesses in the immediate family when the employee has exhausted sick leave. Annual leave must be exhausted before an employee goes on leave without pay, except in cases of the birth or adoption of a child as covered under Policy 03.02.13 – Family and Medical Leave Act.

V. Other Guidelines

  1. Scheduling Annual Leave
    Annual leave shall be taken only upon authorization of the employee's supervisor, who shall designate such time or times when it will least interfere with the College’s efficient operation. Employees should request annual leave 30 days in advance. A supervisor may deny an employee’s request to use annual leave if the leave would otherwise hinder the efficient operation of the College or the employee has not provided reasonable notice of the request. Annual leave must be taken in quarter-hour increments.

    Only scheduled work hours shall be charged in calculating the amount of annual leave taken. Weekends and/or holidays are charged only if they are scheduled workdays.
  2. Separation from Employment
    1. ​Lump sum payment for annual leave is made only at the time of separation from employment. An employee shall be paid in a lump sum for accumulated annual leave not to exceed a maximum of 225 hours when separated from employment from the College. Employees retiring on disability retirement may exhaust leave rather than be paid in a lump sum.
    2. If an employee separates from employment and is overdrawn on annual leave, deductions will be made from the final salary check. It will be deducted in .25 hour units. As consideration for providing annual leave, employees voluntarily agree to such deductions from their final pay check.
    3. Retirement deductions shall be made from all annual leave payouts.
  3. Transfer of Annual Leave
    For new employees, the College may accept annual leave from other state agencies or local educational entities, not to exceed 37.5 hours.
  4. Annual Leave Records
    The College shall maintain records for annual leave earned and taken for each employee. The College shall notify employees of their total annual leave balance at the end of each month. The College shall retain all annual leave records of all separated employees for a period of at least five years from the date of separation. It is the employee’s responsibility to report any discrepancy or problem with their annual leave balance to the Business Office.

Policy Number: 03.02.06

Adopted: December 12, 2023

Amended: December 17, 2024

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