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  • Individuals are trespassed by the authority of the President, in collaboration with Campus Resource Officers and the College’s Threat Assessment Team.
    • A Campus Resource Officer completes the Trespass Form including the individual’s contact information, date of birth and social security number and serves the individual with the trespass order.
    • Copies are provided to the Campus Resource Office, President’s Office, and the individual being trespassed (If an individual refuses their copy, it must be mailed certified).
  • Trespassed Individuals
    • Visitors trespassed are entered into the student information system (SIS) through the Human Resource Office using information obtained on the trespass form.
    • Visitors and Students trespassed are flagged in the SIS system by the President’s Office through the PERC screen.
    • he trespass is logged in the Crisis Management Team drive.
    • The President’s Office sends a certified letter to the Trespassed Individual with notice of the trespass order if refused, the trespass policy and the application process to release the trespass order. The letter is copied to the Associate Vice President.