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Contracting Authority

The Board of Trustees (Board) is the official legal entity for the College. Unless otherwise delegated, the power to contract on the Board’s behalf is solely vested with the Board. The College’s size and complexity, however, is such that individual review by the Board of every agreement is neither feasible nor in the College’s best interest. Therefore, certain delegations of contracting authority are appropriate within the following specified guidelines.

  1. A. ​Contracting Authority Delegation - the President is hereby expressly authorized and empowered to contract in the Board’s name as follows:
    1. Personnel – All part-time employee contracts shall be signed by the employee’s immediate supervisor, the supervisor’s supervisor, and Human Resources.
    2. Capital Improvement Change Orders - The President and the Board Chair may jointly approve a capital improvement change order when, in the opinion of the President, the deferral of the change order until the next regular board meeting would cause a significant delay in the progress of the capital improvement project. All change orders thus approved shall be submitted to the Board for ratification at the earliest practical time.
    3. Service Agreements - The President, or their designee, shall have authority to execute service agreements on the Board’s behalf.
    4. ​Instructional Agreements - The President is expressly authorized to sign all instructional agreements on the Board’s behalf.
    5. ​Cooperative Agency Agreements - The President is authorized to sign all cooperative, interinstitutional, and interagency agreements on the Board’s behalf.
  2. Signatory Authority - Unless the authorizing action of the Board specifically provides otherwise, any contract approved by the Board shall be executed on the Board’s behalf by either the Board Chair or the President.
  3. Custody of Contracts - The President is hereby designated as custodian of all Board contracts. A copy of every contract to which the Board is a party, shall be maintained on file in either the President's office or the Business Office.
  4. Reporting - The President shall periodically report to the Board all contracts made pursuant to delegated authority.

Policy Number: 06.03.06

Legal Reference:

N.C.G.S. § 115D-14

Adopted: January 28, 2025

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