Club Advisors or designee are responsible for collecting and taking funds to the Business Office to deposit in accordance with Policy 06.02.05 – Daily Deposits.
The College will not accept checks without a preprinted name and address (counter checks) or checks with an expiration date (credit card account checks). Starter checks must be verified with ID.
Club Advisors or designees must verify that cash is available prior to spending.
Purchases with club funds must follow the same purchasing guidelines as state funds. When making purchases, the Purchase Request must be completed and approved with the Advisor’s signature. The completed form shall be submitted to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Controller to verify sufficient funds and allowable content. The requisition shall then be submitted to Purchasing for a Purchase Order.
Once items have been received, the appropriate documentation (receiving and/or invoice) shall be forwarded to Accounts Payable for payment.