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Flying Foxes

Flying Fox paper airplane

Presented by: Mike Lipkin
Special Guest: Marshall Lipkin


  • Flying Fox paper

Download a printable flying fox

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In this activity, you will fold a paper airplane while learning about design characteristics, freefall and drag.


  1. Look at both sides of the paper before beginning.
  2. Locate the area labeled PILOT. Write your name on the line.
  3. Turn the paper over, so the flying fox is at the bottom left corner. See image.
  4. With the paper lying flat on a hard surface, fold the top right corner down into an isosceles triangle.
  5. Take the top left corner and fold it into a second isosceles triangle.
  6. Fold the tip of the nose to the middle.
  7. Take the flap and fold it in half.
  8. This is a difficult step. Stuff it in the pouch.
  9. Fold the flying fox directly in half.
  10. Then, fold the wing tips back.

Remember, to make the wings big to maximize the surface area of your wings.
See folded plane in picture.