The National Career Readiness Certification (NCRC) is a system of defining an individual’s workplace readiness skills. Using ACT, Inc.’s WorkKeys assessment system, a business or industry can readily see a job seeker’s skills as it relates to the positions within the company.
The NCRC is an additional credential that can be placed on a résumé to show portable skills and demonstrate that an individual has the foundational employability skills necessary to be trained in specific positions. It compliments the high school diploma and post-secondary education as it demonstrates applied knowledge.
In order to qualify for the National Career Readiness Certification, assessments must be taken in:
Certificates are awarded after assessments are completed and goal levels in all three subject areas have been reached.
ACT, Inc. job profiling provides a legally defensible mechanism to define what skills are necessary to be successful in a company’s specific job position. Job profiling involves using current employees to determine what skills are used in the job on a daily basis.
Business and industry can also use the WorkKeys assessment system and the Career Readiness Certification for training and development of current employees. Employers using the system have stated that employees who have basic workplace skills are more efficient on the job and more satisfied with their work. The system has the ability to create:
Assessments are offered on select days and times. Contact the Continuing Education Department for the next available test dates.
Karen Marshall
HRD Program Coordinator
Isothermal Community College