Organization | Number |
24-Hour Crisis Line (SMC) | 1-800-849-6127 |
Alcohol and Drug Info. (National) | 1-800-662-HELP (4357) |
Alcoholics Anonymous (Regional) | 704-865-1561 |
Alcohol/Drug Council of NC (State-wide) | 1-800-688-4232 |
Alcohol-Drug Treatment Referral (National) | 1-800-454-8966 |
Blue Ridge Counseling Services (Rutherford) | 828-286-0501 |
Families Together Inc. | 828-258-0031 |
Family Preservation Services (Polk) | 828-859-6661 |
Family Preservation Services (Rutherford) | 828-287-7945 |
Family Resources of Rutherford County, Inc. | 828-286-3411 |
Home Care Management (Rutherford) | 828-247-1700 |
ICC Campus Enforcement | 828-289-5850 |
Insight Psychiatric Resource | 828-287-3928 |
Institute for Family Centered Services | 828-287-7505 |
Lifeline Counseling Center by Jeff Wells (Rutherford) | 828-289-0574 |
Lifespan Psychological Services (Polk) | 828-894-2300 |
National Suicide Prevention Hotline (National) | 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) |
NC State Highway Patrol (State-wide) | 1-800-445-1772 |
NC State-wide Automated Victim Assistance and Notification Service (SAVAN) |
1-877-NCSAVAN (1-877-627-2826) |
New Hope Counseling Center (Polk) | 828-894-2238 |
Noah’s House, Children’s Shelter (Rutherford) | 828-245-5437 |
PATH, Domestic Violence Resource Center and Shelter (Rutherford) | 828-245-8595 |
Parkway Behavioral Health (Rutherford) | 828-288-1386 |
Pavilion International, Substance Abuse Treatment (Polk) | 1-800-392-4808 |
Police/Fire/Emergency | 911 ( on campus, dial 9 then 911) |
Polk Wellness Center | 828-894-2222 |
Polk County Health Department | 828-894-8271 |
Polk County Social Services | 828-859-5825 |
Polk County Sheriff’s Office | 828-894-3001 |
Quality Mental Health, Inc. | 828-245-2688 |
RHA Health Services, Inc. | 828-287-9913 |
Rutherford County Health Department | 828-287-6100 |
Rutherford County Social Services | 828-287-6165 |
Rutherford County Sheriff's Office | 828-287-6247 |
Rutherford County Transit (TARC) | 828-288-1830 |
Rutherford Hospital | 828-286-5000 |
Rutherford Psychiatric Associates (Rutherford) | 828-288-0002 |
Steps to Hope, Domestic Violence Resource Center and Shelter (Polk) | 828-894-2340 |
St. Luke’s Hospital (Polk) | 828-894-3311 |
The Lighthouse Shelter, Domestic Violence and Homeless Shelter (Cleveland) |
704-481-0043 |
United Way Help Access & Referral Line | 211 or |
Universal Mental Health Service (Rutherford) | 828-245-8886 |
Smokey Mountain Center (Regional Mental Health/Substance Abuse/Developmental Disabilities Services) |
1-800-849-6127 |
Woodridge Psychological Association (Rutherford) | 828-287-7806 |