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Basic Emergency Procedures

There are three basic emergency procedures. A description of each is available below. Please take time to familiarize yourself with these procedures as well as the other safety procedures of the College. Although it is unlikely that you will ever have to use this information, it is always best to be prepared. If you are informed that a basic emergency response is necessary, please cooperate with the proper authorities. Non-compliance may put you at greater risk.


 Evacuate the building in an orderly fashion and wait for officials to give the all clear to return inside the building.

Shelter in Place/Lock Out

 A situation may occur at Isothermal where the safest action will be to shelter in place.

  • Do not leave the building. Find a safe place within the building  to stay and wait for further information.
  • Follow procedures to protect yourself from the specific hazard.  For example, if a tornado has been sighted, report to an interior room on the lowest floor. If a hazardous materials spill has occurred, close all doors and windows.
  • If you have information about the hazard that can aid emergency responders, report it immediately by calling 911.
  • Remain in the building until an "all clear" has been given by emergency officials.


  • If you are informed of a lockdown situation, please cooperate  with proper authorities. Leaving the classroom or building in such a situation may put you at greater risk.
  • A lockdown is similar to sheltering in place, except that it is an  imminent situation, like an active shooter that has been sited on campus and requires individual decisions and a survival mindset. 
  • Interior doors including classroom and office doors should be locked or barricaded.
  • Turn off lights, radios, TVs, close blinds, and silence cell phones.
  • If a fire alarm is activated during a lockdown, proceed with  extreme caution.
  • Wait for the "all clear" to be given before leaving safe shelter.