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Willard L. Lewis Staff Award

About the award

Established in 2007 and named in honor of Dr. Willard L. Lewis, then president of the college, in recognition of his dedication to and leadership of Isothermal Community College.

Eligibility requirements

Any full-time or permanent part-time staff member, other than instructors, the college president, and past award winners, is eligible to be considered for this nomination.


Please develop a narrative, not to exceed two pages, which addresses the following seven qualities used as the selection criteria:

  1. Commitment and contributions to the mission of Isothermal Community College.
  2. Consistent, excellent performance on the job, exhibiting unselfish devotion to duty far and above normal requirements and significant contribution to the advancement of the Institution and its students.
  3. Initiative, innovation, and leadership in the workplace.
  4. Responsible, efficient use of time, money, technology, personnel, and/or other resources for the benefit of the institution, its students, and community.
  5. Attention to professional and personal development, modeling a “lifelong learning” commitment.
  6. Willingness to share time and expertise through service to the institution, its students, and the community.

The narrative should expand and focus on specific examples which demonstrate your nominee’s commitment and unique contributions to the college, its students, and to the community college experience. Please do not submit pictures, videos, portfolios, etc. Supplemental materials accepted will be limited to letters of support and job descriptions. Letters of support should focus on the selection criteria. Nomination materials will not be returned.

All nominations prior to the last Friday in February will be considered for this year’s award cycle.

Past award winners

  • Susan Straw (2024)
  • Rachel Mercantini (2023)
  • Robby Walters (2022)
  • Jennifer Henson (2021)
  • DeeDee Barnard (2020)
  • Kimberly Snyder (2019)
  • Jo James (2018)
  • Brenda McFarland (2017)
  • Regina McKinney (2016)
  • Karen Harris (2015)
  • Angela Marlowe (2014)
  • Vicki Hoyle (2013)
  • Lois Scruggs (2012)
  • Kelly Metcalf (2011)
  • Glenda Scruggs (2010)
  • Sandra Boyd (2009)
  • Mary Ann Head (2008)
  • Susan Vaughn (2007)