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Golden Apple Award


A basic principle of the learning college is that all employees of the college are contributors to the process of “Improving Life through Learning.” The Golden Apple Award has been developed based on this principle; therefore, it is to be given to anyone on campus who supports the learning process. The primary purpose of this award is to:

  • Recognize college employees who have exhibited exceptional work in the promotion of learning.
  • Promote Learning College principles.

When will the Award be presented?

  • The award will be presented each year on convocation day.
  • A maximum of 10 people will be recognized each year.
  • The recipients will be honored by having their picture and contributions to learning published in a special publication.
  • Other forms of recognition may include posters and flyers displayed across campus.

Award Criteria:

  • The contribution to learning being recognized must have occurred in the current academic year
  • The nomination must include a concise, specific description of the nominee’s contribution
  • All college employees are eligible for nomination
  • Award recipients will be chosen based on the degree to which their contribution reflects the definition of “promoting learning.”

Nomination procedure:

Any college employee, part time or full time may nominate someone for the Golden Apple Award. When submitting the nomination, please describe (maximum of 250 word-opposite [any or all]) how your nominee has promoted learning within the current academic year.

All nominations prior to the last Friday in February will be considered for this year’s award cycle.