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General Occupational Technology Health Transfer Diploma (D55280H)

Fall Semester

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
ACA 122 College Transfer Success None 1 2 Fall, Spring, Summer
BIO 168 Anatomy and Physiology I None 4 6 Fall, Spring, Summer
CIS 110 Introduction to Computers None 3 4 Fall, Spring, Summer
ENG 111 Writing & Inquiry Satisfactory Placement or ENG 002 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
PSY 150 General Psychology None 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer

Spring Semester

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
BIO 169 Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 168 4 6 Fall, Spring, Summer
PSY 241 Developmental Psychology PSY 150 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
Other Required Elective (see list below) Varies 9 3 Fall, Spring, Summer

Summer Semester

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
Other Required Elective (see list below) Varies 6 Varies Fall, Spring, Summer

Other Required Electives - Choose 15 credit hours from the following courses:

Course name Prerequisite Credit hours Contact hours Semester offered
BIO 110 Principles of Biology None 4 6 Varies
BIO 111 General Biology I None 4 6 Fall, Spring, Summer
BIO 155 Nutrition None 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
BIO 163 Basic Anatomy and Physiology None 5 6 Fall
BIO 275 Microbiology BIO 110, 111, 112, 163, 165, or 168 4 6 Fall, Spring, Summer
BUS 137 Principles of Management None 3 3 Spring
CHM 131 Intro to Chemistry AND CHM 131A Intro to Chemistry Lab None 3/1 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
CHM 132 Organic and Biochemistry CHM 131 and 131A or CHM 151 4 6 Spring
CHM 151 General Chemistry I None 4 6 Fall, Spring, Summer
CHM 152 General Chemistry II CHM 151 4 6 Spring
COM 231 Public Speaking None 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Discipline ENG 111 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
HEA 110 Personal Health/Wellness None 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
HEA 112 First Aide and CPR None 2 3 Varies
HEA 120 Community Health None 3 3 Varies
HUM 110 Technology and Society None 3 3 Varies
HUM 115 Critical Thinking Satisfactory Placement or ENG 002 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
HUM 120 Cultural Studies None 3 3 Varies
HUM 122 Southern Culture None 3 3 Varies
HUM 130 Myth in Human Culture None 3 3 Varies
HUM 170 The Holocaust None 3 3 Varies
ISC 121 Environmental Health & Safety None 3 3 Varies
MAT 121 Algebra/Trigonometry, or MAT 143 Quantitative Literacy, or MAT 152 Statistical Methods I, or MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra Satisfactory Placement or MAT 003 3/4 4/5 Varies
MED 121 Medical Terminology I None 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
MED 122 Medical Terminology II MED 121 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
OST 148 Med Ins & Billing None 3 3 Fall
OST 149 Medical Legal Issues None 3 3 Spring
PSY 281 Abnormal Psychology PSY 150 3 3 Spring
SOC 210 Intro to Sociology None 3 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
SOC 213 Sociology of the Family SOC 210 3 3 Varies
SOC 220 Social Problems SOC 210 3 3 Fall, Spring
SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I AND SPA 181 Spanish Lab None 3/1 3/2 Fall, Spring
SPA 112 Elementary Spanish II AND SPA 182 Spanish Lab SPA 111 & 181 3/1 3/2 Fall, Spring

36 Total Semester Credit Hours For Diploma

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